@ 9:45 AM

Visitors and Non-Members
If you are visiting or thinking of joining, please let us know in good time before Shabbat so that arrangements can be made for your entry into our Shul.
Taking the Lead
We encourage any member or visitor who feels capable of reading a Haftorah, or taking a service to give it a go. Please let our Warden, Alistair, know in advance and we will do our best to accommodate you. We will also provide any help or support you fel you need to do so with confidence.
If you would like to be more ambitious and take the Leyning (or a part of it), please contact Rabbi Chalk well in advance to make arrangements.
Every Shabbat service is followed by a Kiddush, which gives us all a lovely opportunity to mix and catch up with each other .
Sponsor a Kiddush
For any occasion to celebrate - be it a Birthday, Wedding Anniversary, Graduation, Baby Naming or any milestone. Share it with your family, friends and community.
We cater for every pocket, and offer a selection of Kiddushim to choose from. We do set an upper limit for the number of people we can cater ourselves. Above this we would discuss arrangements with you such as the hiring in of outside help.
Special dietary requirements/allergies can, of course, be catered for.
Please feel free to come and celebrate your Simcha with us.
Click here for further details and bookings.